
Home / Millie

About Me

Meet Millie, a resilient soul at 7 months old, overcoming a rocky start that led her to us. Initially thought to be a pittie, Millie surprised us with her unique identity. She arrived feral, a tiny wild spirit they once called “killer” at the shelter.

Despite her challenging beginnings, Millie has transformed into a pretty good cuddler, a testament to the patience and love she’s received. While she may need some time to fully adjust, the investment is undoubtedly worth it.

Millie’s affection extends to other dogs, and her super submissive nature makes her an excellent companion. While we’re unsure about her interactions with cats, we understand the importance of caution, especially with a feisty feline in the mix.

Considering Millie’s mysterious background, a DNA test could unravel some surprising results, adding to the intrigue of this already fascinating pup.

Are you ready to welcome Millie into your heart and home, offering her the love and understanding she needs to blossom into the incredible companion we know she can be?

Want to Adopt me?

The choice to invite a new pet into your home is a significant decision. Our Adoption Application is thoughtfully designed to gather essential information, setting the stage for a meaningful conversation with a volunteer who can guide you towards the perfect pet match. Alongside completing the application, please attend to the following important steps:

1. Ensure your current pets are up-to-date on vaccinations and preventatives before introducing a new pet to the home.
2. If you rent, engage in a conversation with your landlord to understand and comply with pet policies.

Once your application is submitted, our dedicated volunteers will verify your veterinary and landlord references if necessary. Following this, they will reach out to you for a conversation to understand your preferences in a pet and assist you in finding the ideal match.